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"Watchdog of the Taxpayer's Dollar since 1956!"
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Local Elected Represemtatives ... [Find Yours!]
Fx Co Board of Supervisors, School Board, and Va Delegates and Senators for Fx Co.
... also Candidates for US House and Senate Races in 2024
FCTA Bulletin(s) 2024-10-04: BOS Chairman: The meals tax "... is not the solution."
2024-09-19: Vote "NO" on the Bond Referenda
2024-05-16: Tax Hikes Fix Nothing
2024-04-23: The Secret Budget Hearing
2024-04-18: Biting the Hand that Feeds You
2024-04-12: Spending More and Teaching Less
2024-04-03: How Taxes Keep Us Illiterate and Sick
2024-03-21: Time for a County Salary Freeze
FCTA Graph
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Fairfax Co Gov't
2024-09-06: FCTA's STOP THE MEALS TAX ... Flyer (pdf) and Palm Card (pdf)
2024-07-03: FCTA: My Fairfax Co, Vienna Real Estate Taxes Over Last 40 Years, by David Swink
2024-05-07: Gazette Leader: Adopted Real Property Tax Increase ($1.125 per $100)
2024-04-16: FCTA: Testimonies to BOS on the County Budget, by FCTA board members
2024-03-22: FxCo: Fairfax County Advertised Budget for FY2025
2024-03-14: FxCo: Notice of Proposed Real Property Tax Increase ($1.135 per $100)
... compared to Arlington $1.038; Prince William $0.966; Loudoun $0.875; Stafford $0.9175
2023-08-15: FCTA: Reasons to Oppose 2023 $435M School Bond Referendum, by Arthur Purves
2023-03-xx: FCTA: How I Successfully Appealed my Real Estate Assessment!, by Ron Quasebarth
Fairfax Co School
FCPS ClgBd: FCPS College Board Reports for 2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022,2023
... Note: FCTA had to FOIA these reports and provide hosting, as FCPS does not post them on its web site.
2024-07-16: FCTA: Analysis of the FCPS 2025 Budget, by Fred Costello
2024-02-13: FCTA Testimony: Spending More and Teaching Less
... As FCPS spending goes up, achievement goes down.
Virginia Issues 2024-03-24: VaGA: Status of 2024 Bills
2024-01-06: FCTA Makes Three Presentations at GA Public Hearing
... on tax rates, transportation, green energy, right-to-work, school choice, pensions
FCTA in the News 2024-09-19: Gazette Leader: NoVa residents must protect against gov't overreach
2024-04-17: Gazette Leader: Salaries for top FCPS staff are completely out of control
2024-02-13: Gazette Leader: Fairfax superintendent on hunt for more taxpayer cash
2023-05-01: Patch: Fairfax Co Budget Mark-Up Includes Lower Real Estate Tax Rate
2023-04-26: WT: Education up to individual ... with help from FCTA's Good Reads
2023-04-18: Connection: Three Days of Budget Public Hearings
2023-04-14: FXX Now: Same Tax Rate + Increased Assessments = Actual Tax Hike
2023-04-12: Gazette Leader: Fairfax needs to consider tax burden on homeowners
FCTA provides
Great Reads
Full Text of Classics in Western Literature
... The Great Books provide valuable lessons in life, but unfortunately are not emphasized these days. Here are 40+ local HTML copies of books that every educated person should make an effort to read and be able to discuss intelligently.
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Recent Posts: Local, Virginia, and Perspective
FCTA Wonders: (1) Is it worse to not learn because gov't schools are closed, or to not learn reading, math, and 1776 history when gov't schools are open? (2) Will Va. adopt destructive and expensive green energy policies like California? (3) Can U.S. citizens' trust be restored in government, corporate, and educational institutions? (4) Will the U.S. return to equal justice under the law?

2024-10-xx (Nat) IMPRIMUS: The Dangers of Price Controls, by Henry Hazlitt and Brian Wesbury
An update to the first issue of Imprimis, published in May 1972, which featured an article titled "The Dangers of Price Controls" by Henry Hazlitt.

2024-10-09 (Nat) Brownstone: USA In Recession Since 2022 Q1, by EJ Antoni, Peter St Onge
Once you adjust GDP to adapt it in real vs nominal terms, it reveals that we've been in recession since the first quarter of 2022. Indeed, 7 of the last 10 quarters have been net down in terms of economic growth. We've actually been witnessing a period of grueling recession, masked only by statistical illusion.

2024-09-06 (Pot) Zerohedge: The Process Of Tyranny (and currently), by Brandon Smith
The usual stages of tyranny: increasingly bigger government, socialist control of resources, the melding of bureaucracy and corporate entities, demands for "social justice", collectivist propaganda, the abandonment of individual merit (economic and cultural Marxism), and finally, the adoption of Futurism (where history is deemed irrelevant). Futurism is, in my view, the key to all modern authoritarianism.

2024-09-04 (Sch) Bacon's Rebellion: Why Is Fairfax Unhappy With New K-12 Accountability System?
Fairfax County educators are dissatisfied with the Youngkin administration's new accountability system for Virginia's public schools, which is weighed heavier with "English language learners" than the current system -- with new scores an embarrassment to Fairfax.

2024-08-23 (Nat) IM-1776: RFK Jr. Address to the Nation -- the full transcript

2024-08-22 (Nat) Brownstone: What Is Really Going on at Federal Agencies?, by Jeffrey A. Tucker
Our 429 (!??) federal agencies comprise a corporatist system that would never be tolerated at any private company. If "democracy dies in darkness", let's shine the light of truth on the vast complex of civilian agencies that purport to manage our lives better than we can ourselves.

2024-08-19 (Tax) WTOP: Fx Co restaurant owners against possible food tax, by Kyle Cooper
About 100 restaurant owners are part of a newly formed group called Stop the Food Tax. The proposal could add a tax of 1% to 6% on food and drinks prepared at restaurants and grocery stores.

2024-08-16 (Rxx) Tucker Carlson: Interviews Calley & Casey Means, Big Pharma Critics, transcript
Whistleblowers Calley and Casey Means expose how Big Pharma co-opted government agencies and the food industry to poison America and keep us sick.

2024-08-12 (Nat) X: Elon Musk interviews Donald Trump -- the full transcript

2024-08-09 (Trn) Bacon's Rebellion: Metro's Fiscal Train Wreck, by James Bacon
The DC Metro is now the most expensive major heavy rail system to operate in the country. Maybe it's time to think the unthinkable and let Metro go belly up. Or perhaps sell to the private sector liberated from an onerous labor contract and a welter of federal regulations.

2024-08-04 (Pot) FCTA: QR code Tutorial, by David Swink
The author examines what QR codes are, how they are constructed, relates his findings, and runs a test case.

2024-08-01 (Sch) FFXnow: New Approach to School Funding?, by James Jarvis
Kyle McDaniel, who was elected to the school board as an at-large member last year, worries growing divisions in the budget process between the school board and Fairfax County Board of Supervisors could strain relationships as the county tackles its own financial challenges. He is calling for enhanced transparency and public engagement, proposing that FCPS host its own dedicated budget town halls to better involve the community in its financial decisions.

Of Interest:
News Today: ZeroHedge, plus front pages of WaPo and Wash Times
Weekly Vid: AMAC Weekly News -- Ben Ferguson's video summaries, updated every Friday
For Wisdom: Victor Davis Hanson ... Dennis Prager ... Jeffrey A Tucker
Migrat Dat: IRS Migration Data: State-to-State, County-to-County, Virginia, Fairfax Co
Public Edu: Epoch Times: Examining Education in the United States -- a series by Alex Newman
Parent Alert: STAMPED: Racism, Antiracism, and You, by Ibram X. Kendi (in Fx Co schools)
FCPS Watch: Fairfax Schools Monitor, -- tracking the latest "wokeness" from FCPS
Good Reads: Full Text of Classics in Western Literature, by FCTA's David Swink
Edison 78s: Selected Oldies from the UCSB Gramophone Audio Archive, by FCTA's David Swink
Vote Fraud: On Mike Lindell's Claimed 2020 Election Results, by FCTA's David Swink
Environmt: The History and Future of Climate Change -- video (5:31) w/transcript by Peter Temple
Poli-Toons: Mallard Fillmore -- latest political satire by Bruce Tinsley

FCTA / P.O. Box 356 / Fairfax, VA 22038-0356
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feel free to use our blog or contact our webmaster.