Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance

Hawkins Chides Fx Co Board on County Spending - 2019

Chiding the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Spending Too Much - 04/10/2019

-- James Hawkins / 4905 King Solomon Dr / Annandale, VA 22003

Thank you Board of Supervisors for your past time and effort. Kind of low pay you get for all you are expected to do. A labor of community responsibility.

Hopefully the audience includes candidates who will be running in the next election cycle. My theme -- "The County is spending too much" -- will be heard by them. Too late for this budget cycle.

County taxes have and continue to significantly exceed the Consumer Price Index, while for median citizen the quality of life decreases. Taxes rocket upward and transportation grows worse. Meanwhile:

  • The County continues to encourage more development with no traffic mitigation efforts -- don't just blame Richmond.

  • Our Police protection has been and hopefully will remain excellent. We feel safe. Our schools continue to keep our property prices high.

  • Schools, Police, Fire, Parks and Debit Service account for about 70% of expenditures. The remain 30% appears to be various forms of welfare, corporate and individual -- for instance "affordable housing".

  • The Board continues to "kick the can down on road" concerning pensions. The financial doom can be forecast.

To those who will run -- ask to be elected because you will align County taxes and expenditures to address economy, efficiency and the quality of life of the median citizen. The County is ripe for realignment -- advocate it.

Again, Supervisors, I thank you. You have dutifully sat in the tough seats. Do not let my comments detract from the admiration I have for your dedication.